What We Offer
Vital Palliative
Palliative Care services are offered to individuals with a life-limiting illness. The goal of Palliative Care is to work side by side with a patient’s Primary Care Physician or Specialty Physician to appropriately manage a patient’s pain and symptoms, while providing social support and resources to the patient’s family and friends.

24/7 On Call Nursing

Social Support

Multidisciplinary Care
Concierge and Boutique Style approach to Palliative Care.

Vital Palliative provides customized care plans for people suffering from life-limiting or chronic conditions. We offer individualized supportive care when and where you need it.

Our staff is available to call 24/7.

Honest & respectful communication.

Easy to reach and outstanding follow up.
Essential Support You Can Trust
What Sets Us APART
We offer individualized palliative care for patients and families. The care we give individually and as a team to our patients and their loved ones is genuine, compassionate and serves the whole person.
Family Owned & Operated
Unlike larger corporations, you will receive flexible care from our team. We have an actively involved owner who meets with patients and their familes and is involved in day to day decisons.
Patient Focused Care
Having a nurse practitioner as our Executive Director is a huge advantage Vital Palliative brings to the table. Her experience in the field allows us to approach our care from a patient first standpoint.
People & Process
We have a tenured and experienced team in comparison to other hospice agencies. This allows us to develop and provide a personalized care plan that meets the patient’s needs.
Customized Care Plans
We like to think of ourselves as the bus driver. You choose your route and we help guide you to your destination. Our services are not cookie cutter and we understand that your care plan may require exceptions.
Benefits of Palliative Care
Palliative Care is not Hospice Care. This means that you can still seek aggressive care and/or procedures while enlisting the services of Palliative Care.
Improving Quality of Life
Palliative care helps to improve the quality of life by providing patients with a team for symptom management, goal setting, emotional support and planning for the future.
Palliative Team & Resources
Another benefit of Palliative Care is having an additional advocate in the form of the Palliative Care Team which consists of a: Physician, Nurse and Social Worker.
Additional Layers of Care
Palliative Care provides an extra layer of support on top of the care that you are already receiving from your current Physicians, so you can continue to see your medical providers.
Who is Palliative Care for?
Palliative care can help patient’s and their families with the following conditions:
Heart Disease
Lung Diseases such as COPD & Cystic Fibrosis
Alzheimer’s Disease
Liver Disease
Kidney Disease or Renal Failure
Failure to Thrive & Debility